1. Why should I buy from Gamesngadget?
    Gamesngadget offers a wide range of new and Pre-owned gaming console at the affordable price. We provide 1 year warranty on our products. We have physical STORES IN Mumbai, Thane, Bangalore, Chennai , Hyderabad and Mangalore. All our stores have 4.5 plus google rating out of 5. We are rated as the No 1 gaming start up in India.
  1. How do I make a purchase?
    Making a purchase at gamesngadget is quick, easy and secure.
    When you find an item you want to purchase, click the ‘Add to Cart’ button. The item will be added to “Your Cart” this is found on the top right of the page.
    When you are ready to finalise your order, click the ‘Checkout’ button in the Your Cart Section
    Enter Shipping & Payment information, to complete your purchase.
    You could also walk in to the nearest store and purchase the products as displayed on the website
  1. What are the available Payment Modes?
    Credit/Debit Card
    – Net Banking
    – Cash on Delivery
    – UPI ( We accept a;; UPI Gpay, Phone pay, Paytm)
  1. How much does shipping cost & how long will the game I ordered take to arrive?
    We offer FREE SHIPPING on most of the orders. After your order is processed, transit time typically 3 to 4 business days, with delivery Monday-Saturday.
  1. I have a discount coupon how do I use it?
    Complete your order as usual then enter your promotional code during checkout

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