God Of War 3


15 DAYS RENT – 250


God Of War III/3 Remastered

God of War III: Remastered is the epic third and final chapter of the God of War saga. Players will again control Kratos, an ex-Spartan warrior, as he seeks revenge against Gods who have betrayed him.

Gameplay and Features
The gameplay follows Kratos as he treats through the intimidating heights of Mt. Olympus and the dark depths of Hell to seek revenge on those who have betrayed him. Armed with the iconic double-chained blades, Kratos must take on mythology’s darkest creatures while solving intricate puzzles throughout his merciless quest to destroy Olympus.

This Remastered edition comes with 1080p gameplay, silky smooth combat modes, and a variety of fan-oriented enhancements. The game also features fluid, life-like characters, dynamic lighting effects, robust weapon system and world-changing scenarios. Players will have the chances to join grand-scale battles with on-screen enemies and experience more interactive levels like never before.


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